The two have a decent exchange wherein Ygritte both discusses how freedom is not willingly obeying a set of vows, and instills fear in Jon that if he doesn't use "it," he's gonna lose "it." Jon fails to jump on either of Ygritte's offers and ends up in the hands of the Wildlings. Up in the North, Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) is still in search of his Night's Watch friends while dragging Ygritte (Rose Leslie) around by a bit of rope, all the while thinking of her as his prisoner. Things are looking bad for all of Eddard Stark's kids, with the possible exception of Arya (Maisie Willaims), whose conversations with Twyin Lannister (Charles Dance) continue to be a bright spot, as the head Lannister's adoration for the undercover Stark grows – despite having pretty much guessed her ruse. After finding the remnants of Rickon's snack of choice, Theon excuses Maester Luwin (Donald Sumpter), and we are left to assume the worst when he returns to Winterfell to display two charred, child-sized corpses.
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To his credit (and perhaps in defiance of Theon) Bran is reluctant to ask anyone for help, knowing full well the wrath any person would face upon inevitable questioning from Theon and his men. While Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) and Rickon (Art Parkinson) have a decent head start, courtesy of Osha and Hodor (Kristian Naim), they're smart enough to realize that since Theon has unleashed the hounds, the head start will be eaten up quickly. So when one particularly mouthy fellow makes words sounding a bit like an accusation that Theon's thought's were on Osha (Natalia Tena) when they should have been on maintaining grip on his former home, the petulant Greyjoy delivers a firm, but fair, beating. Still, on the bright side, Theon has learned that the only way he's going to earn the respect of men is through fear and intimidation. Not surprisingly, Theon's run on Winterfell hasn't gone as smoothly as it should have – what with having to take Sir Rodrik's head, and the two youngest Starks escaping capture. However, in typical GoT fashion – especially this late in the season – the show goes on to illustrate how, in their own unique way, the title of 'A Man Without Honor' can and does apply to most men in the series.

With a title like 'A Man Without Honor,' it seems likely the reference would be toward the ungrateful adoptee/lifetime Stark hostage Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen). If you thought Westeros to be a cynical place before, the newest episode of Game of Thrones has definitely set the bar a wee bit higher.